Canvas- You are special

Po dlouhé době jsem vytvořila také něco na plátno. Zaujaly mě dvě challenge a tak jsem se spojila dohromady.
After long time, I made something on canvas. I was interested in two challenges, so I made both in one project.

První je ze stránky More then words- Použij něco starého, něco nového, něco půjčeného nebo něco modrého a zároveň použij slovo Special. A tak jsem použila staré žárovky, nové Magicals od Lindy´s stamp gang v modré barvě a staré plátno
First one is from More then words page- Use something old, something old, something borrowed or something blue and use word Special. So I used old ligthbulbs,new Magicals from Lindy´s stamp gang in blue colours and old canvas.

Na stránce scrapki-wyzwaniowo se challenge týká žárovek.
On scrapki-wyzwaniowo page is lightbulbs challenge.

Použitý materiál/ Supplies
plátno/ canvas
bílé gesso/ white gesso
3D matte gel
Magicals Hydrangea blue, Tiffanylou´s blue, Tainted love teal
staré stránky z knihy/ old pages from book
razítka/ stamps
šablona od Tima Holtze/ Tim Holtz´s stencil
light paste
glass beads crystal
micro beads silver

Děkuji za návštěvu.
Thank you for visit.


  1. Amazing and thanks for playing at Scrapki Challenge xxx

  2. Ooooh such a gorgeous canvas and you have totally rocked our challenge. Thanks so much for playing along with us at More Than Words. 😄

  3. This is totally BRILLIANT! I adore it! Thank you for playing along with us at More Than Words!

  4. Your canvas is gorgeous I really like all the texture you did on your background! Thanks for joining at More than words!

  5. Oh wow - what incredible texture and details! I love the globes. So glad you could join in at More Than Words this month.

  6. Yummy textures ♥ love the colors and details! Thank you for playing along with us at scrapki-wyzwaniowo!

  7. Blue crystals! Great project, awesome details! Thank you for joining us at scrapki-wyzwaniowo challenge!

  8. INCREDIBLE Canvas...
    Thank you for joining over @ More Than Words!!!! :)

  9. this canvas is sooo magical!!!
    thanks for playing with us at More Than Words!!!

  10. Beautiful canvas!! All the best from MTW! :)

